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If you want to have access to a Bible, then there are a few ways you can achieve it:

-You can read the free online Bible available on this site whenever you are connected to the Internet. It has a search feature and you can click on individual words to look up the meaning of the original language word.
-You can download a free Bible study software that is feature rich and user friendly like e-Sword.

If you still want to request a free Bible shipped to your home, then these are the steps you may want to follow:

-Request a Bible from your local Church.
-Request a Bible from one of the following websites: freebibles.net, FreeBibleSociety.org, getyourfreebible.com, spirit1.us, lesea.com, free-holybible.com, or blessingsfromabovemin.

If you require large volume of Bibles, then it may be best to contact one of the Bible societies
(International Bible Society, American Bible Society, The Gideons), but it is not guaranteed that you will receive a large quantity of free Bibles.

Please use the contact form to inform us if any links stop working or if you know of any other ministries that give out free Bibles.
Bible Verse

Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. Luk 12:33 KJV

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